One must thing to see in Rio de Janeiro is Pao de Azucar which is a famous mountain in the city with an amazing views all over the city and the coast!
We headed up on Sunday and luckily there were no queues anywhere and it felt like being on the top all by ourselves. In the first pics we snapped the view just after the first cable car before even heading higher and it was already so cool!
Then it was time to make the last ride to really get on top of the mountain and the scenery was just breathtaking! Its lot less higher than Corcovado so you can see the city with more details as you are little closer.
We had much luck with the weather as it was sunny and hot and there were no clouds!
Here is a little panorama pic that will give you and idea about how amazing place this was and what kind of views you can enjoy! Of course we had time to also snap few selfies ;D
Finally it was time to head down from the mountain and we figured that we have well deserved coconuts on the little beach just near by so thats where we headed next! The beach was popular with locals and we where almost the only tourists here.
The sand was boiling hot that it really burned your feet when running to the coconut stand and back! :D We had time to swim and lay in the sand for a good while before heading to downtown to catch up with one of my friends for some afternoon drinks!
But there are few more stories to come from this trip so catch you later ;)