Last day in paradise

by - 27.4.16


It's been ages again since the last post but now its time to share few snaps from my last afternoon in Rio! I woke up very early to pack last of my stuff and enjoy the amazing weather before heading to the airport.

It was such a perfect day for the beach, blue sky and no wind so even the ocean was quite calm! The was no other way for spending the last hours then Ipanema. I enjoyed few coconuts and floating in the clearest water just thinkin why do I need to leave this amazing place.

Here I really saw how beautiful the world can be and it was real paradise on earth moment. It was feeling like this was a familiar place, just like home even if it was my first time in Rio. I've definately left a huge part of my heart to those beaches and in the city and I hope I can get back there soon!

You can imagine how hard it was to leave this view behind and go back to the hostel to grab my stuff!! There was a minibus that picked me up a block away from the hostel so I still had a little while to enjoy the neighborhood!

All smiles on the bus!! I do miss that tan omg!

One happy little traveler landed in Sao Paolo still in summer clothes! After it was time to board for the last flight of the trip with this gorgeous sunset, Boa Noite Brazil!!

Wakey wakey, i slept all the way again on the plain and pretty soon the was a familiar view from the window and I knew I was so close to home after what felt like ages. Barcelona is such a beautiful place and I was starting to get excited to be back again and see all my friends! 

This is the end of the brazilian adventure for this time, I hope you enjoyed these pieces as much as I did and  I definately recommend heading to Rio to write your own story and enjoy it too! I'm sure I will be heading back to Brazil for more adventures in the future but before that I will have new little things to share with you elsewhere so stay tuned!!

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