On the way to Brazil

by - 19.12.15


Now that my trip is done it's time to share the experiences here too. It was such an amazing experience that even the words can't really describe it enough.

My trip started on Friday 04th of December so I was barely able to focus at work for the last day (or either a week) because the only thing i could do was checking the time. Finally it came the time to leave and start my holidays!!

I had my flight leaving from Barcelona to Sao Paolo luckily in the evening at 20:45 so I had enough time and I could sleep on the way. So it was time to take my backbag and head to the bus with sweet Angelina who wanted to walk me.

The airport was very quiet evening time so I had some time to chill before my flight. By this time I was way too excited! :D I had booked myself a window seat to be able to sleep and I was happily suprised how much space it had and how comfy it was. My whole experience with TAM was really good all together.Eventually I even fell a sleep before dinner but luckily the lady sitting next to me woke me up.

I found it funny to watch the little flight map that shows where we were but eventually the last thing i remember was the plane approaching Morocco and after that I only woke up for breakfast on Brazilian coast. It showed my again how much I love sleeping on public transport that I have no problem to take 11 hour nap on the way :D

Finally it was time to land in Sao Paolo around 05:30 and the city looked very cool and so huge with all the lights.When i stepped out of the plane it was very hard to realize that I had finally set my foot in Brazil. It also meant getting the first ever stamp on my passport!!  I had time to take a look outside of the airport and it was nice suprise how warm it was before it was time to check-in to my connection flight to Rio.

This one was only like 50 minutes and it started to be bright outside so I enjoyed the amazing views. By the time we got to the coast the view with the sea, mountains and forest just took my breath away and I was pinching myself to make sure I'm really doing this.

Finally so many hours after leaving I had arrived to my destination: Rio de Janeiro <3 p="">But that's another story that I will tell you other time!


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