It's been a little while but there are so many things happening these days! After I booked my trip I have started preparing for it and this week I also got sick so have been just spending so many days in bed being not able to do anything :(
The trip is only 1 week away but this time being sick and forced to take time for recovering and resting made sure I've had a lot of time to think. So today I realized something I want to share with you..
For me this started last year when my long relationship ended and I returned to Finland. I was feeling devastated and I had no idea how to continue my life after this or what I would like to do. It took a long time before i started even thinking that I'm capable of doing things by myself and just for myself.
It´s just an amazing feeling to make on of your biggest dreams to come true and really start my own adventure and turn a fresh page in life.
And I'm sure there is no better place for me to go than to Brazil <3 br=""> Pics are throwback to most beautiful place that I've been so far, Corsica! I can't believe that it's already more than 3 years.