Arpoador and Copacabana

by - 21.12.15

Hey today,

Here we go again! After some time of hanging out in our neighbourhood with the guys I met in hostel we decided to take a walk to Arpoador and then Copacabana beach which is next to Ipanema.

Arpoador is the little part that is located between these two beaches. During the day there are some tourist sightseeing as well as locals chilling and fishing. Evening times you can come here to see the amazing sunsets over the city (which we had very bad luck with..)

After a little tour we walked to Copacabana but not before the guys recommended me to try my first acai. Which was delicious smoothie/slush made out of super healthy acai berries and is now my new favourite stuff ever! Exactly what you wish for in that heath. But not that I was complaining about it ;) 

Copacabana is probably the most famous of these two beaches in Rio and if possible it is even prettier than Ipanema. To our surprise there were not too many people and we decided to do a pause to enjoy the amazing weather by playing in the waves and relaxing on the beach. This beach was just 7 kilometers of heaven.

We could have enjoyed this forever and i doubt any pictures make justice to this natural beauty but it was time to head to other adventures like dinner and some party. The guys found "all you can eat" stake restaurant and as you can imagine it took them less than 3 seconds to convince to go with them :D maybe my face in this next photo explains everything to those who know me (hi daddy!! ;)).

After kilos of steaks we headed to party in a hostel in Copacabana which turned out to be in the beginning of the favela. We didnt know this so when the taxi suddenly turned up hill to tiniest road ever everyone looked at each other and thought for a second that where is he bringing us.. But we found the place and it turned out they had really cool hidden garden terrace. There are not too many photos able to be published but here is a snap we took to celebrate Ollies bday.

Next time  will get back to you with one of the most interesting trips we did, the tour in the favelas!
Until then xx

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