Positive little things

by - 11.11.15


Today I just wanted to share some everyday snaps that I've taken lately and share some positivity.

For some time I have been struggling to remember how to find happiness in little things but now that I really start to have my life settled down in Barcelona and got a routine with my new job and everyday life I really start to enjoy every day more and more.

The best little things this week:

❤ Cycling to work very early when all the city is sleeping
❤ Sunshine!!
 Time spent on the beach and getting to put your toes in the sand feel so relaxing and I can't believe     you can still do this in November
 Gym and the feeling after the workout
❤ Fresh fruits thanks to the endless amount of fruit shops in my neighbourhood
❤ Sweet messages from family and best friends back home that I miss a lot <3 br="">

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