Tuntuu, että on niin paljon selitettävää pelkästään tästä illasta vaikka oon ollut täällä jo pitkän aikaa.
Tuntuu, että tällä hetkellä oon saavuttamassa jotakin uutta ja haastamassa itseni ja totutun käyttäymismallin. Sanat tulee paremmin ulos englanniksi ja tuntuu, että on helpompi selittää omia tunteita. Lukekoon ken jaksaa tai tahtoo.
After being in new place for while, considerably a long while I can start more and more challenging myself with the things that I have learned so far. Today I have realised that if I want to think about staying any longer it is time to challenge myself and the ways that i'm used to act.
Tonight i have gained a huge amount of confidence not just to myself but also to the ability to let go and talk the language that i have only been learning for such a little time and that I have been so scared to use but also to people how surround me.
Tonight has been the first night that I have actually gone fully by myself and the few friends that I've got to know so far.
I am amazed how just few hours or night like this can give you so much - confidence, good company and the joy to participate and actually meet the people around you.
Today I can say something that I been hoping to say for a long time - I feel i am able to, I feel that i can achieve things just by myself and enjoy the things that I can do just by being myself - with just being me, nothing less and nothing more.
The feeling that "You can" is over powering and amazing when for a so long time you have been feeling anxious or lost for seemingly no reason and without being able to explain why. I have been here for so long time but it feels like I have learned so much just in one day and I know already that this is the way that i want to continue.
Today I will go bed with a big smile and so many thoughts about life around me, my friends and the things that I have learned. Just because I realise that I have had a chance to meet so many amazing amazing people and that there are still so many things to learn. It might sound like a cliché, but I am happy that I am able to say this with all the meaning behind.
I think the point of this post is just to say massive thank you to my friends and to all the beautiful things that life has to offer to each on of us.
No matter how hard it seems, try to see the best in people and the opportunities around you and just let it surprise you as it has surprised my today.
Good night every one!!