Hong Kong - first look

by - 20.5.17


It's been a while since the trip but now wanted to share photos from Hong Kong which was my first touch to Asia so I was overly excited to see new part of the world and all the wonders there are. We had a direct flight from Helsinki to Hong Kong which is only like 9 hours and perfectly night time so we could wake up once we got there. Even if i think we were so excited that could barely sleep :D

On the first look of the city you could tell the place is a special mix between East and West because you can find things that are very familiar but also many many details that are completely different. The pictures will tell you better!

The first three nights we stayed on Hong Hong island which turned out the good spot for us and easy to get around the city which is quite simple to get around even if it's super big. The metro is simple to use with also English signs everywhere and soon after arriving and walking around you will have basic idea of your local neighbourhood.

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